I suppose coveting a $100+ Swamp Thing figure undermines any criticism I make in an End of Civilization post.
Between having a very long day at work and spending my Tuesday evening doing prepwork for Thursday’s End of Civilization post, I didn’t leave myself a lot of time for an entry for today, other than:
- I do know about the Sofubi Swamp Thing figurine currently being offered:
…having been first emailed about it by reader John K. a few days ago. The figure looks cool ‘n’ all, but at a total cost of about $140 including shipping (according to Google’s currency converter) I’m probably going to hold off for the time being. However, whilst doing the aforementioned prepwork for the EoC, I did spot the other two figures from this particular wave (Superman and Bizarro) being offered in the Previews Import Toys section, so perhaps there’s hope I’ll be able to get my weirdo Swamp Thing toy at a wholesale price via my evil retailing powers. - While taking a peek at Kickstarter’s funnybook listings, I happened upon this fundraiser for A Deitch Miscellany, a handmade book collecting comics and sketches by Kim Deitch. Well, I like Kim Deitch’s work, and I hope some of you do as well, so maybe take a look at this project and donate if you’re able.
- Bob writes about starting to read B.P.R.D. on a monthly basis, partially in response to my comments about the current steep entry cost to that series.
Tom Spurgeon responds by saying he’d rather not see a rebooting of B.P.R.D., which isn’t really what I want, either, but at this point the series isn’t too kind to anyone new to the franchise. Of course, as we’re all learning again right now with the “Marvel Now #1s” publishing initiative, a relaunch is a jumping-off point as much as a jumping-on point, and starting again with a new B.P.R.D. series (without an attendant Hellboy movie to bump up some awareness) would likely, after a brief spike in sales, end up just selling to the same people who were already buying it before.
As I said, I can see this B.P.R.D. ending and wrapping up its years-long storylines, and the current Abe Sapien title incorporating the B.P.R.D. elements in a perhaps more reader-friendly manner. (Much in the same way I once argued that the Legion of Super-Heroes could be revitalized by making one of the Legionnaires the star of his/her own book, and the rest of the Legion the occasionally-appearing supporting cast.) I wouldn’t think of that as a full-on “reboot” so much as some retooling, but I’m likely just splitting hairs.
(Much in the same way I once argued that the Legion of Super-Heroes could be revitalized by making one of the Legionnaires the star of his/her own book, and the rest of the Legion the occasionally-appearing supporting cast.)
That’s an interesting idea. Which one do you think has the chops to support his/her own solo title?
“I suppose coveting a $100+ Swamp Thing figure undermines any criticism I make in an End of Civilization post.”
Just a lil’ bit!
WHY is he 140 bucks??? GEEZ.
“Which one do you think has the chops to support his/her own solo title?”
I’d want a Blok/Chameleon Boy/Proty team-up book!
The Sofubi figures seem to owe a lot to the styling of DC’s Super Powers-style action figures from the 80s.
My vote’s for Brainiac 5.
it took me a couple of seconds to convert 300 mm into 12 inches but in that couple of seconds I was picturing a 300 inch swamp thing figure. that’s about a 24 foot tall swampy that would look great in my front yard. that would definitely be worth $140 with shipping.