Now to catch you up on the stuff I didn’t talk about because of all the predictions posts…”you” probably being mostly theoretical at this point.
So last week, I was contacted by my new Twitter pal John who was asking where one could likely find certain bits of Swamp Thing merchandise from the early ’90s cartoon show. (“The eBay” is probably the best answer, “Mike’s house” also acceptable.) During the course of our interaction, John dropped the tidbit that while he was having trouble tracking down certain items, he did recently obtain what appears to be a crew jacket from the live-action Swamp Thing TV show:

Don’t know anything about it, couldn’t Google up any more info aside from the original auction listing this jacket apparently came from…but it certainly looks neat and of course I’ll need to find one for my own collection, possibly on “the eBay” or maybe “John’s house.”
Thanks, John, for sharing this with us!
Happy to see the pictures, thanks Mike. The text treatment feels a lot like the wonder years.