This is a very lazy post…
…in that I’m linking to someone who’s linking to stuff that I think is neat. Christopher Elam informed me that Megaton Man creator Don Simpson is blogging again, and not just on one site, oh no. On multiple sites, devoted to specific titles and characters. Chris has got the list right here, and you can see lots of unpublished pages, sketches, process material, etc. on all of Simpson’s sites. Note that some of the sites (particularly the Bizarre Heroes one) are Not Safe For Work, so wait ’til the boss ain’t lookin’.
You had me at Not Safe For Work…
— MrJM
I wanted to tag a bunch of people I knew loved Simpson’s stuff when I posted that. Happy to pass along the good news!
Of course, the Anton Drek blog is even less safe for work, but of course I have nothing whatsoever to do with that!
an I the only one who has NEVER liked his work?