The Sensational New Character Find of 1965!
No, not this “Dr. Supernatural” chump:
Well, that certainly seems entirely practical.
On a different note, an important question is asked and answered on this issue’s letters page:
Mr. Editor, I believe Mr. Brando-El begs to differ:
Three thoughts:
Execution Buzzard IS a fantastic name.
Even though EB looks like a plucked turkey that Dr. Supernatural glued rubber wings and a tail onto. I’m going my local pet store today to see if they sell ’em.
I find the fact that, when he fully materializes, Dr. S’s lower legs and feet will occupy the same matter as the floor quite disturbing.
This guy clearly liked Magneto’s dress sense.
A rodent, Benjamin!!!
hey, yer either a scientist OR a magician, not BOTH, pal!