Nice to see you’ve been hitting those Heap reprints! Completely off the subject question – having never encountered Wolverine’s brother Dog before his current appearance in W & the X-men recently, I was wondering if he’d always been drawn to look like William Loeb’s Wolverine McAllister? Journey is possibly my favorite series ever and I thought this was extremely funny. Thanks Mike, didn’t know where else to ask!
Such sad octopus eyes. I think Ethyl’s got a thing for Captain Manuel. This can’t end well.
Oh, Manuel. You so crazy.
The zooming panel detail is my favorite reoccurring Sterling joke.
You’d be crazy not to trust that octopus!
Nice to see you’ve been hitting those Heap reprints! Completely off the subject question – having never encountered Wolverine’s brother Dog before his current appearance in W & the X-men recently, I was wondering if he’d always been drawn to look like William Loeb’s Wolverine McAllister? Journey is possibly my favorite series ever and I thought this was extremely funny. Thanks Mike, didn’t know where else to ask!
I nominate “You are crazy to trust that octopus, Manuel” as this year’s signature catch-phrase.
How could you not trust a face like that?
The urge to fuse this with another Mikester gag is powerful.
“You are crazy to trust that octopus, Manuel!”
Yikes. Project Wonderful Presents: A Slightly Less Than Safe For Work Ad.
Adam – Sorry, my settings are supposed to block ads like those, but sometimes they get through!
Hey, no problem. It was certainly attention grabbing. I’m certain it’s only a matter of time before it ends up a resin statue in an issue of Previews.
Is the original issue really Airboy Comics #4 #2? Or is that a typo? Comics sure have messed up numbering schemes sometimes.