Today, Lois would have just Photoshopped it and thrown it up on her Tumblr.
So, that Superman picture on the wall there:
So did some enterprising entrepreneur, realizing that Ideal-Man was now the New Flavor of the Week, immediately go to press printing up those “SUPERMAN EARTH’S FORMER HERO” posters? I mean, I realize by even Silver Age standards, when people would turn on superheroes, or, hell, even each other, at the drop of a dime, this seems like a pretty harsh thing to do.
Or did Lois pull out one of her many, many Superman photos that she has stored away in albums on her bookcase, the one clearly marked with a rectangular white sign reading “BOOKCASE OF SUPERMAN PHOTO ALBUMS,” find a photo of Superman with sufficient blank space above his head, have it blown up at the local photo shop, and then neatly ink in the letters herself? And then, of course, tack it to the wall in full view of any friends she may have over, who, if they had any sense, would likely wonder what the hell was wrong with Lois, anyway. Luckily for Lois, from everything we’ve all seen in those comics, nobody she knows has a lick of sense, so her reputation is likely safe. (Of course, in this case, this is all part of some ulterior Get-Superman scheme, which frankly doesn’t make Lois seem any less sane.)
Fictional People in the Silver Age had plenty of time for that sort of thing! Not like fictional people of TODAY, who are BUSYBUSYBUSY!
Lois still believes in Supes! She lies about the card she drew.
I appreciate the fun of appreciating silver-age goofiness, but mostly I can’t get over how gorgeous that art is. The plots may have been farcical, but with people like Schaffenberger illustrating, the stories were beautiful. Seen too seldom these, days, I am afraid.
Walaka – When I was talking to the customer while going through all the old Lois Lane comics with him, we most certainly discussed the beautiful Kurt Schaffenberger art!
So did some enterprising entrepreneur, realizing that Ideal-Man was now the New Flavor of the Week, immediately go to press printing up those “SUPERMAN EARTH’S FORMER HERO” posters?
Naw. Silver Age Lois just saved the one she had from the last time Superman was tossed out in favor of a new hero. Heck, she probably still had it up on her wall as part of some crazy scheme to make Superman jealous and get him to propose to her (which he would never do because ick, girl cooties).
All this, and Lois has not drawn the two of clubs at all.