Also if you see him there, ask Dorian what he wants for Christmas, because I have no idea.

§ November 27th, 2012 § Filed under pal plugging § 2 Comments


  • Bully brings you the Comic News for November 25th, 2012.
  • Pal Dorian is going to be a panelist at Bent-Con this coming Saturday, discussing the topic “Understanding the Gay Fanboy (and Fangirl!).” If you see him there, be sure to say hello!
  • Tangognat reads Amethyst comics, old and new. …It seems weird to have Amethyst, of all comics, in a black and white format, but…well, I’ll let Tangognat tell you how she feels about that.
  • I saw my old pal Fred Noland for the first time in quite a long while this past weekend, and that reminded me that it’s been a bit since I sent you to his site to enjoy his excellent illustration work. Be sure to check out the comics he has available for sale in his store…I recommend everything.

2 Responses to “Also if you see him there, ask Dorian what he wants for Christmas, because I have no idea.”

  • Jim Kosmicki says:

    I’m just glad to have Amethyst in print in some fashion. My hope is that it sells well enough that they do a color version of the first mini-series. I never did feel like they had a good sense of where to take the series after that initial story, but I have always liked that original 12 issue run.

  • Anna says:

    Thanks for the link!

    Jim, I agree that the original 12 issue run was great and deserves the color treatment in a collection.