Just one more pog post on this site, I promise.
So a long time ago, prior to the early 2010 redesign of my site, I used to have a different title banner on my site every week. Sometimes I made them myself, but usually they were contributed by readers, and I’d post them up with a little link credit to the designer.
One submitter, noting my particular attitude about the POG phenomenon in a then-recent post, sent in a banner whose image presented a scattering of milkcaps, with the site name “mike sterling’s pogressive ruin” printed across it, and with an “r” sorta squeezed in above and between the “p” and “o.” Alas, my backup of all those banners is not immediately available (and my local one on the hard drive was lost during my recent computer troubles), so I have neither the actual image nor the name of the contributor, but that person was the first to make, at least to my face, the “POGressive Ruin” gag, way back in the distant mists of time (aka 2008 or so). (EDIT: Why, it turns out to be no less a personage than Pal Dave who was responsible!)
With the recent resurgence of the “pogressive ruin” name in my comments and, yes, people saying it to my face, the thought did cross my mind, “hmmm, maybe I should grab that domain name,” and then I thought “some of these milkcaps are pretty bizarre, it might be amusing to present them on said site,” and then I thought “maybe this could help me whittle down the pile currently at the shop,” and then the next thing you know, this happens.
So yes, pogressiveruin.com is now open for your viewing pleasure. I plan on this project to be primarily image-heavy and text-light, so this won’t be some extended treatise on ’90s fad marketing and exploitation, beyond what’s already implicit in the products themselves and what I’ve already written on the explanatory page. I just want to be amused by weird things, and hopefully I’ll amuse some of you, too.
I’m also not planning for this to be a permanent, ongoing project. I figure about six months, tops, so feel free to come back and laugh at me when I’m still doing this a year later.
Most importantly, at least for some of you, this is separating out the pog content from this site, so come back, it’s safe now! Well, after today’s post, anyway.
Thanks to Seth, the store owner who acquired this ginormous pog collection in the first place, who’s also totally behind this pog blog project of mine. And a very special thanks to the greatest stuffed bull of them all, Bully the Little Stuffed Bull…I needed a particular quote for this new site from an issue of Brave and the Bold, I didn’t have that issue, I put up the Bull-signal, and Bully answered right away with exactly what I needed! Thanks, Bully!
So anyway, pogressiveruin.com. Look what you all made me do.
EDIT 8/21: Dave found his copy of the “Pogressive Ruin” banner mentioned above!

You will kneel… KNEEL BEFORE POG!
I am proud to be lending a hoof towards the downfall of Mike Sterling since 1969.
I made that banner but naturally, I can’t find an image of it either. I found two other banners I made for you, but not that one.
“Look what you all made me do.”
That’s right. Blame the victim.
This all reminds me in an odd way of the time a friend’s message board, initially designed for animation and comics chatter, was taken over by ladies complaining about stretchpants manufacturers. Pogs schmogs, Mike, take a hint and *never* mention “Bobbie Brooks” or “White Stag” in *anything* you blog about.
I can’t believe it’s come to this.
In your Why? page on pogressiveruin you are missing the word “feel” in the sentence “I didn’t really good about myself”
Fixed! Thank you.
Your journey towards the dark side is now complete.
I name you… DARTH POGGER!
flicking razor tipped pogs at your head since 1969….