Once more unto the breach, my friends.

§ May 5th, 2012 § Filed under free comic book day § 7 Comments

See you on the other side.

7 Responses to “Once more unto the breach, my friends.”

  • John says:

    We few, we happy few, we band of retailers;
    For he today that sheds his blood trying to open mylar
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    (And comic book sellers are pretty vile)
    This day shall gentle his condition
    Until he curse out the customers.
    And gentlemen in Comic-con, now a’bed,
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speak
    That fought with us upon Free Comic Book Day.

  • Snark Shark says:

    “And then… KOREA!”

  • Here’s wishing a happy and safe Free Comic Book Day to Mike and all my comics friends. I’ll be writing today, but a friendly comic shop is sending me all the FCBD books so that I can write about them in my blog. It’s always fun and informative to see the choices made by publishers for this day.

  • Bully says:

    Welcome to another FCBD, Mike…hope you survive the experience!

  • For my part, I didn’t get the Atomic Robo FCBD issue I was looking for, but I did get the Mouse Guard hardcover, Donald Duck Family, and 2000 AD. I also scored seven free comics from Jesse James Comics here in Phoenix.

  • Anonymous says:

    Free Comic Books? What Free Comic Books?
    They vanished from Hastings long before I could get any… :(

  • Anonymous says:

    Did the “New 52” promo have anything exclusive to it? If not, I can forget this day ever happened!

    Let’s call it:

    “Empty Shelf” Comic Book Day.

    “Invisible” Comic Book Day.

    I doubt I’ll ever see the comics that came out today…