“Discos and Dungeons” is one role playing game I’d totally be into.
- Hey, Spencer is back and he’s reviewin’ the funnybooks! Stop by and say hello!
- And now, Crying Miracleman (or “Marvelman,” if you prefer): pencils and inks by Rick Veitch.
- Ragnell examines that latest issue of Wonder Woman that’s riled up some folks recently.
- The hospitals of New York, as presented by Marvel Comics.
- This is one of my favorite books by these guys…like pal Dorian, I’m very surprised it hasn’t become a movie yet.
- Bully, the Little Stuffed Bull That Walks Like A Little Stuffed Bull, presents a post with a series of images that, when taken all in one sitting, will drive you insane. You may not make it past the splash page for the story “Discos and Dungeons.”
- My favorite April Fool’s gag this year…or is it? (I mean, is it a gag, not is it my favorite, which it is. My favorite, that is.)