It says “pucker.”
1. “Anything in your online Britanica [sic],” they mean.
2. Man, what did Heidi ever do to them? “Hey, yeah, take that, the Swiss!” (Well, okay, maybe this.)
3. Remember when bippies roamed the earth, and the betting thereof was repeatedly encouraged? Thankfully, a bippy-based economy never took hold.
4. All in all, I’m frankly not sold on this unholy amalgamation of “nutty stickers” and “daisies.” SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE, MODERN TECHNOLOGY?
I want my daisies to say:
Swamp Thing Rules!
I’m chalk!
Nancy lies!
Mike who?
and, of course….
wait for it….
then, KOREA!
I am Laugh-In
I know it’s a LAUGH-IN reference, but was a Bippy an actual thing? If it’s free I have a feeling it’s like a No-Prize w/o the charm.
Britanica? Surely they must mean Funk & Wagnalls, right?
….and don’t call me surely.