I think I’ve probably featured that Galactica card on the site before, but c’mon, just look at it.
So as a young Mikester in the late ’70s, I found this particular Star Wars trading card to be of interest:

…as it gave us one of the few really good glimpses as to what the Jawas looked like under their hoods:

The official (or semi-official, or “canon,” or whatever) explanation is that the Jawas are “rodent-like,” and that what we’re supposedly seeing there isn’t a Jawa’s actual face, but just more protective covering with gemstone eyepieces. But I think it’s this specific image that has me associating Jawas with more insectoid characteristics than rodential. I mean, look at it…it’s like a giant ant under there. That’s completely creepier than a rodent.
By contrast, this Battlestar Galactica sticker featuring the Cylons’ Imperious Leader could’ve used a little more mystery:

The Cockeyed Space Tyrant is puckering up…for you.
Good Lord man! I just stopped having nightmares about that damn BSG “Space Supremes” card. Now this?
Here’s the Imperious Leader nekkid and waiting:
You’re welcome.
I’d like people to refer to me in real life as “imperious” …
I loves me some old-school BSG Cylon Empire, but that Imperious Leader… yikes!
Those lips could suck the chrome off of… a chrome covered cylon.
I have some vague memories of the 70s Battlestar TV show… I remember the robot dogs, the smarminess of Starbuck, the cylons, and how incredibly SLOW the thing seemed to me as a kid.
My main memories of 70s BG come from the toys though. I loved the cylons & the ships, but my Imperious Leader lost his clothes early… big pink naked thing… yeah… that’s how I remember 70s BG… hard to take that thing seriously…
I am trying really, really, really hard not to Google Image search “naked Jawa” right now.
…I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to hold out.
“Come at me, Bro!”
Imperious Leader had that permanent duck-face look.