It’s an iron wind that blows no one any good.
Another goodie from the Box of Ye Olde Role-Playing Games – the 1980 Iron Crown Enterprises release The Iron Wind:

The back cover:

According to this site, this book had a print run of 5,000 copies, and after it had been out for a while, the black and white covers were stripped off the as-yet unsold covers and replaced with color covers.
Like several items in this particular collection, the sales receipt from the original purchase of this book was found inside:

As a result of being kept in the book for, oh, 30+ years, a rectangular “tanning” spot was left by the receipt on the pages it was kept between. …Hey, that’s not “damage,” that’s “character,” I tell potential buyers.
I know you’re half-joking, but I really do love “character” when I come across old books, furniture, tools, guns, etc.
Oh, man. “La Maison Du Guerre” is a fantastic name for an old “hobby” shop in the 70s/early 80s. And my eyes go dreamy…
Mike, here’s a Swampy link for you:
And here’s another!
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