So what are a couple of transposed letters between Valentines?

§ February 14th, 2012 § Filed under sugar and spike § 6 Comments



images from Sugar & Spike #39 (February/March 1962) by Sheldon Mayer, Steve Urkel from parts unknown

6 Responses to “So what are a couple of transposed letters between Valentines?”

  • Skinslip says:

    Ahahaha, my wife beats me. I don’t say urkle while being beat though.

  • Casie says:

    The scrolling down….tee hee hee. Brilliant. Happy Valentine’s Day funny Mike!

  • DeBT says:

    I’m reminded of the Sideway story from Wayside School where the class was doing poems on colours. One particular student was quite insistent on doing a rhyme with the colour purple after arguing with another classmate, but once she’d won, found out that she had extreme difficulty in finding a word that rhymed with that particular colour.

    She ran through the gamut of the entire alphabet, and still couldn’t find anything appropriate. In the end, she submitted this entry:

    The baby won’t stop crying.
    His face is turning purple.
    Will anything make him feel better?
    I bet a burp’ll.

  • Pete Lawson says:

    Clearly the British spelling. Which is ironic, seeing as we haven’t got a clue who Urkel was…

  • CW says:

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I’m schizophrenic
    And so am I …

    Happy V-Day, Mike. :)