The Return of Swamp Thing is okay, however.
Purchased for me at a nearby video store that’s going out of business:

…a promo card display thingie for that cinematic classic Swamp Thing. Dig the soft focus, the romantic lighting, the soulful look in Mr. Thing’s eyes. Makes it almost look like Ghost, only with a swamp creature instead of, you know, a ghost.
Related: about a year or so ago, I purchased one of those newfangled high-def 47-inch flatscreen TVs to replace my 1980s-vintage 27-inch TV, which was beginning to have some problems and was probably time for it to go. What I have been discovering since the replacement is that some of my DVDs are not anamorphic; i.e. they don’t automatically fill the whole widescreen area on my new television. Sure, on some TVs you can fiddle with the image ratio and force it to fill the screen, but it never looks as good as having an actual anamorphic image.
Anyway, the reason I introduced this whole thing with the word “RELATED” is…I found out that my original DVD release of the Swamp Thing film, the one with the, ahem, extra footage that caused it to be recalled…is not anamorphic.
Adrienne Barbeau? More like Adrienne Barboob!
I was googling this to see if there was a blu-ray and I came across a plot synposis with the words “sexy government agent, Alice Cable.”
Wha…. this is a fanfic isn’t it? My goodness…
dude I just read swamp thing #5; seriously, what the hell is going on with that book? why are we 4 months into a new run without the actual muck monster? it’s driving me crazy!!!!!!!
Up to issue #5 and no actual Swamp Thing in Swamp Thing? Is Brian Bendis writing this?
oh oh…the natives are getting restless
That is a nice little piece of collectible goodness.
I’d love one for the Man-Thing (made-for-the-theatre-but-sucked-so-bad-it-went-straight-to-basic-cable-tv-and-then-dvd) film, but I don’t know if one even exists.
Still, Adrienne Barbeau has some huge knockers she likes to trot out at every occasion, but she still comes across more manly than most truckers.
Now, make a cross-gender US1 film with her in it and you’ve got something.
Funniest Swamp Thing picture ever!