And now, Progressive Ruin presents more fashion tips for the ladies….

§ January 8th, 2012 § Filed under dc comics, scans § 11 Comments

…courtesy Young Love #122 (November 1976):

Giant sewing props on loan from 1950s Batman comics, presumably.

11 Responses to “And now, Progressive Ruin presents more fashion tips for the ladies….”

  • *choke* I edited that issue. But I had to go to the GCD to confirm that. Some of the credits are missing, but I know I wrote the text page. If I can find my file copy, I can probably fill in the other gaps on the GCD listing.

  • Bear says:

    In all fairness, that halter top/straight-leg jean outfit is pretty great.

  • Dave Carter says:

    @Tony: Who is the ‘Elizabeth’ who did the fantastic art on the piece?

  • michael says:

    nothing says sexy quite like a home made string bikini and a bluebonnet / welding helmet combo.

  • CW says:

    I like those outfits. They wouldn’t look too out-of-place on a modern female, IMHO.

  • Walaka says:

    Y’know, I just like how this is another reminder that comics used to be “comic magazines” and contained stuff other than the graphic stories. Little bits like this, and the “Science Says You’re Wrong” series, and text pages, and even the PSAs that DC used to run, seemed to make for a richer and wider experience than 22 pages of decompressed story on glossy paper interrupted by video game and energy drink ads.

  • Liz Berube. I know she’s been interviewed online recently, but I can’t recall where. My recollection is that she both wrote and drew these pages.

  • S says:

    Yeah, the art is amazing!

  • Uncle Dave says:

    yup, Elizabeth Berube.. I have a couple of these one-pagers from her, the was wildly prolific for a bit in the late ’60s to the early 70’s romance books. There’s a very nice recent interview with her in She was a longtime colorist under Jack Alder.

  • Bryan Stroud says:

    Uncle Dave –

    Which pages do you have? I presume we’re talking originals? Liz is on the lookout for one in particular that she’d like to make a deal on to retrieve it. I was the interviewer.

    Please e-mail me if you don’t mind:

  • danjack says:

    Wow Mike, you’ve made a comic book love connection! That’s great! Good job you!