Sometimes you just need to look at a trading card featuring Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent.

§ November 10th, 2011 § Filed under superman, trading cards § 5 Comments

Ah, Chris. How you’re missed.

BONUS: A trading card based on the movie based on the comic featuring the comic upon which the movie which inspired the trading card series was based:

I understand that today, this comic is worth upwards of hundreds of dollars!

5 Responses to “Sometimes you just need to look at a trading card featuring Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent.”

  • ExistentialMan says:

    Why yes indeed, sometimes you do. Thanks Mike, amidst an especially crappy news week, that not only brought back great memories but started my day off on a high note.

  • William Sims says:

    What do the asterisk(s) in the lower right corner mean?

  • Believe it or not, a guy was in my store here a few days ago with that same Action #1 card. He had it all locked down in one of those cube sized card protectors.
    He couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to buy such a valuable card from him. After all, “if the comic is worth a million dollars, this card should go for a couple thousand at least”

  • Ed says:

    I’ve long thought that the single most “seventies” thing about the Donner/Lester/etc. Superman movies is Reeve’s humongous Clark Kent glasses, surely the biggest that any version of Clark has ever worn.

  • Bear says:

    That image brings a warm glow to my heart.