Sometimes you just need to look at a trading card featuring Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent.

Ah, Chris. How you’re missed.
BONUS: A trading card based on the movie based on the comic featuring the comic upon which the movie which inspired the trading card series was based:

I understand that today, this comic is worth upwards of hundreds of dollars!
Why yes indeed, sometimes you do. Thanks Mike, amidst an especially crappy news week, that not only brought back great memories but started my day off on a high note.
What do the asterisk(s) in the lower right corner mean?
Believe it or not, a guy was in my store here a few days ago with that same Action #1 card. He had it all locked down in one of those cube sized card protectors.
He couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to buy such a valuable card from him. After all, “if the comic is worth a million dollars, this card should go for a couple thousand at least”
I’ve long thought that the single most “seventies” thing about the Donner/Lester/etc. Superman movies is Reeve’s humongous Clark Kent glasses, surely the biggest that any version of Clark has ever worn.
That image brings a warm glow to my heart.