In which Lanny Lummox uses his kung fu in service of greed.

Ooh, Lanny Lummox, no good can come of using your kung fu skills in the service of evil. Karma will catch up to you…
…except the Raccoon Kids, Rollo and Rudy, get involved, and somehow trick you into using the bags of flour that were actually inside the box to bake pies, which the kids take and eat, except for the few they convince you into putting under the “money tree” outside and having you wait for cash to flutter down upon them:

Thus is your avarice and misuse of martial arts rewarded. Though I suppose you will finally get what’s coming to you when the authorities figure out who took the money lost from the armored truck. …Enjoy spending your eventual nickel up the river at the graybar hotel, Lanny Lummox.
No, I’m fairly certain Lanny will escape the long arm of the law, become a Wall Street investment banker, and develop a Ponzi scheme cleverly hidden as a complex financial instrument involving martial arts, flour, pies, and money.
For some reason these panels remind me of the great Dell comic Little Monsters. One of my personal faves.
Lanny Lummox is the 1%!
— MrJM
Lanny’s cool, but I still go for the Mousketeers or Fox & Crow.