Employee Aaron: The End.

§ October 9th, 2011 § Filed under employee aaron § 7 Comments

Saturday was the last day of Employee Aaron’s full-time employment at our humble funnybook store, so please join me in wishing him well in his new professional endeavor: SUPER SECRET SPY A GO-GO 3000.

Aaron was a joy to work with, his cheerful demeanor always inspiring, and it’s not going to be the same without him. Well, mostly without him, as his new job as SUPER SECRET SPY A GO-GO 3000 is Monday through Friday, leaving the possibility of getting him into the shop on the occasional weekend. Plus, his lovely wife Kempo is still putting in a few hours at our shop every week, so he’s certain to come by the shop sometime…and then we can recapture him say hello.

We’re going to miss Aaron around here, and we all hope the best for him. Good luck, pal!

Special thanks to pal Kevin for taking the photo and comic-ing it up.

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