Cascade Comix Monthly #2 (April 1978).

This is a 16-page fanzine with a wraparound color cover (front cover image by George Erling), with a specific focus on underground comix. Featured is an interview with comix publisher/creator Larry Todd, who is also represented with a handful of colorful portraits on the back cover:

Other items of note include a preview for the then-forthcoming Mondo Snarfo from Kitchen Sink Press, a comix review column by Bill Sherman, a column of short news bits (such as the forthcoming reprint of Nard n’ Pat on improved paper stock!), and letters from such notable comix folk as Jay Kinney, Richard Bruning, and Denis Kitchen.
It’s a neat little item from the latter days of the undergrounds, and every time I come across a ‘zine like this, containing interviews and remarks from industry folks, I wonder just how much comics history and criticism still remains overlooked, or essentially lost.
How about a “Ask Mike Anything” type of thing again, Monsieur Sterling?
That’s a very wistful question in your last sentence. Fortunately there are a few archives and libraries stepping into that gap. The Ohio State University collection, The MOCCA Library in NYC, and The CCS library in vermont.