Argh. My biggest pet peeve in comics isn’t continuity mistakes or how they “ruined the best character EVER” or something, it’s drawing faces by photo reference like that. Artists almost never get the sight lines right, so everyone in the frame is off kilter and it becomes cubist or something.
Was Spiro Agnew the guy running away from Superman on the Action Comics #1 cover?
What was his number in the Secret Empire?
This comic is a must for all Melvin R. Laird completists!
Argh. My biggest pet peeve in comics isn’t continuity mistakes or how they “ruined the best character EVER” or something, it’s drawing faces by photo reference like that. Artists almost never get the sight lines right, so everyone in the frame is off kilter and it becomes cubist or something.
I can’t believe you could cancel a beloved, long running series for a set of new #1s of dubious quality.
Apologies if someone’s already made that attempt at humour.