Hey, I haven’t mentioned Swamp Thing here for a while.
So sources tell me (and by “sources” I mean “Google alerts”) that as part of this coming DC Comics relaunch hoohar, we may be getting a new Swamp Thing series. Which I suppose makes sense, since DC just put all that effort into bringing the character back into their superhero-universe fold. I’m writing this on Sunday evening, so I’m about half-sure when I wake up in the morning there’ll be plenty of info on the series then, but as of now all I know about it is this swank Yanick Paquette cover:

…which has been popping up on message boards and sites here and there keeping track of all the announcements of new DC titles.
Speaking of Swamp Thing, as I so rarely do, here is an interview with Jonathan Vankin, who, aside from not being my secret penname, is the writer of the Search for Swamp Thing mini-series. Now, I haven’t been keeping up on every single bit of Swampy news spoken by every DC Comics representative, because I have to get my usual two hours of sleep a day sometime, but there is a clarification or three regarding the exact nature of the relationship between the Vertigo versions of Swamp Thing and John Constantine. Judging by the visual cues, at least with Constantine as I mentioned at the end of this post, it’s no surprise, but it’s nice to see someone confirm it.
In other Swamp Thing news, apparently he’s going to pop up in the DC Universe Online game as part of a special player event, where he is in battle with Batman villain Poison Ivy. I guess players’ hero characters will be fighting alongside Swamp Thing, while villain players will be on Ivy’s side. Or something like that. I don’t get these crazy “video games” all you kids are into.
And before you (yes, you, you know who you are) ask, I still don’t know what the variant covers look like for Search for Swamp Thing #2 and #3. Soon as I know, they’ll be up here, I promise!
It’s probably already been moaned about, but the one thing about the ‘Search for Swamp Thing’ preview that I’m struggling with is John Constantine using the phrase ‘bromance’. Even if it was Keanu-tine, it’d sound off. Whine whine whine, yes.
Kew Gardens looks like Kew Gardens though, so that’s pretty cool.
Question: Will this be set in the real DCU, or will it be a “Teenage Swamp Thing” (apologies to Alice Cooper) complete and total revamp from scratch?
I’m not so sure this is good news just yet.
Definitely picking up Search For Swamp Thing 1-3 as the logical follow-up to Brightest Day 23-24 and Green Arrow 12. Come September, however, all bets are off!
Scott Synder’s the new Swamp Thing writer!
Milligan’s replacing Hellblazer with Justice League Dark!
I bet this means House of Mystery is making way for a new Sandman with Gaiman, and Jonah Hex is finally expanding into The Justice Brigade of the West!
Anyway, I’m sticking with Swamp Thing! And probably the new Garbage Man/Tanga title, and maybe even the new sexy version of I, Vampire!
Now you need to find a Swamp Thing video game. [ducks]
Swamp Thing has moss shoulder pads. Just sayin’.