And now, a plant-monster drawn by Bernie Wrightson that isn’t Swamp Thing.
From House of Mystery #195 (October 1971), which puts it only three months past the cover date of Swamp Thing’s first appearance in House of Secrets #92:
“Moss Being” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue like “Swamp Thing,” but it’s no sillier a name, I suppose.
Moss Being’s only weakness is the occasional rolling stone.
What was in the air at that time that produced so many plant-based characters? It was like there was something in the air… like creators at the time were inhaling some kind of leafy, herbal matter that made you ponder “Moss Beings” and “Swamp Things” and the vegetable world communicating with the world of men.
Maybe there was a story in “Grit” or something.
— MrJM
What are the odds Geoff Johns will use this for post-[spoiler] storylines?
“Oh my god, a monster!” “No, I think you mean a Moss-ter!”
If “Moss Being” had caught on instead of “Swamp Thing,” imagine how different your life would’ve been, Mike.
That Moss Beings story is actually quote good. Here are some other swampy tales from that same period:
What was in the air? I’m guessing copious clouds of sinsemilla. Blame the hippies, man. It always comes back to the hippies.
Moss Being’s only weakness is the occasional rolling stone.
He can’t get no satisfaction.
If a rolling stone gathers no moss, but rolling PAPERS do…
If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, but the “Knights Who Say ‘Ni'” believe a shrubbery to be most invaluable…
If you shouldn’t be alarmed now if there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, as it’s just a Spring clean for the May Queen…
If plants are at the bottom of the food chain, but then are fed by the poop that worms excrete by eating US…
Then, there is no wonder that we wonder of the wonder of plant-beings.
Wait… what?
DC has the cover of Brightest Day up with you-know-who on the cover–