“Beat it — batter it — thresh it — flail it”
So all that Man-Thing talk from yesterday had me going through some of my older Man-Thing comics, and I thought I’d share this bit of business. It’s Manny beatin’ the crap out of his recurring devilish nemesis Thog, from Adventure into Fear #11 (Dec 1972) — the first Man-Thing story written by the writer who would be most associated with the character, Steve Gerber.

The art’s by Rich Buckler and Jim Mooney, and I don’t know who decided to put in that last panel with the “reaction shot” up there, but it amuses me for no good reason I can name. It’s like he’s just about to whip on his sunglasses and is on the verge of laying a David Caruso-esque one-liner on us. “This demon…couldn’t take the heat.” “YEEEAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”
Anyway…Man-Thing. Enjoy.
Looks like he’s about to show Thog his Giant-Sized Man-Thing.
…And here I thought he was mourning the senseless violence he had just engaged in!
Considering his status as a mindless, completely reactive swamp monster, he was always a more interesting protagonist than you would expect. I’d buy a Man Thing series from the right creators.
“Beat it — batter it — thresh it — flail it”
Now this is going to bother me, because Gerber reused this or something like this as a chant of a mindless or mind-controlled mob in some other work, but I cannot recall which one.
Bop it– twist it– pull it– spin it.
Bill Reed’s comment for the win!
A cool site!
“Beat it — batter it — thresh it — flail it”
Smack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh nooooo…