In brief…
…because I spent my blogging time Tuesday night working up a post that I decided at the last second to save for later. Urgh.
Anyway, I helped Kevin Church with a recent Daily Batman entry…
…Mark Andrew Smith is seeking Kickstarter contributions to fund the next volume of The New Brighton Archeological Society…
…Gerry Giovinco has more stories about his early encouragement in the world of comics, including an encounter with Arnold Roth…
…Andrew whips out a Nobody’s Favorite that I can remember selling, if not lately (like, in the last decade or so)…
…pal Dorian presents his latest Previews for Gays…
…and the aforementioned Dorian, along with Ken Lowery, recently posted a new “In A World” in which they look at the latest batch of movie trailers. A perennial favorite here at Progressive Ruin Industries.
Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? ;)