Dwayne McDuffie (1962-2011).

§ February 23rd, 2011 § Filed under obituary § 7 Comments

Dwayne McDuffie, comics and animation writer/editor, and cofounder of Milestone Media, passed away earlier this week. While I’ve enjoyed many of his works – in particular, Milestone’s Hardware and Icon, as well as his work for DC Comics’ animation unit (including the screenplay adaptation of All Star Superman, just released this week) – I think his multiple Damage Control mini-series, about the folks who clean up after superhero battles, may be my favorite.

He was a strong and unique voice in the comics industry, and he was taken from us too soon. My condolences to his family, his friends…and to all of us.

Pals Kevin and Chris have more insightful things to say about the man…especially make sure to check out Chris’s article, which includes a particularly-pointed series pitch written by McDuffie. And Dr. Polite Scott links back to his coverage of McDuffie’s Canadian anti-drug comics.

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A beloved figure from science fiction television has also passed away this week: Nicolas Courtney, whose portrayal of the Brigadier on Doctor Who has spanned decades, has died at the age of 81. My best wishes to his family, friends, and fans.

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Just two reminders to appreciate people while they’re still around for you to do so.

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