Somehow, I don’t think the Wolf-Buzzard hybrid “pet” is likely to follow vocal commands like “Down! Down!” They look like they want to chew his face off.
He’s just trying to convince himself at this point. You just know he was really hoping for a creature with wings and wolf fangs. Instead he wound up with the rabbage of the animal kingdom.
And it’s even worse than it looks: buzzards projectile-vomit when agitated. Science will never invite him over again.
I name thee “Butt Ugly”.
That guy’s got a long career ahead of him at TSR Labs.
but unfortunately, I’m getting my Coast 2 Coast A 2 the M onn, Brah!
Somehow, I don’t think the Wolf-Buzzard hybrid “pet” is likely to follow vocal commands like “Down! Down!” They look like they want to chew his face off.
He’s just trying to convince himself at this point. You just know he was really hoping for a creature with wings and wolf fangs. Instead he wound up with the rabbage of the animal kingdom.
And it’s even worse than it looks: buzzards projectile-vomit when agitated. Science will never invite him over again.
Everybody needs a hobby, I suppose.
I call them “Wizzards”… because it sounds a lot better than “Wuzzards”.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
This is what happens when you gut regulatory oversight of supervillains…
Excuse me, Doctor. Science would like to see you.
Who’s a good boy?
Whoooo’s a goood boy?
You are! That’s right!
I know people say this all the time, but “Created from Wolves and Buzzards” would by a great band name. or emo-core song title.
Furries ruin everything.