You know, I do have a birthday coming up in just a few weeks.

Everyone thank Reader Jeff for sending me the links to this auction site featuring Alfredo Alcala’s style guide art for the Swamp Thing cartoon show and Nestor Redondo’s preliminary pencils for the cover to Swamp Thing (original series) #16. How awesome are these?
I wonder what Swamp Thing and his animal pals are talking about in the above drawing? “And…when…you die, I…shall absorb your corpse…into my body…and feed from…its nutrients.” “YAY SWAMPY! You’re the best!”
That IS a very common mistake Mr. Bunny but Garbage Man doesn’t live in this swamp.
“Bambi, Man is basically good…”
Are there a lot of deer in the swamp?
“And that,… my little animal friends,… is why… they won’t publish… any more… overpriced illustrated pamplets… about my… never-ending… continuing epic adventures,… on Earth-Prime…”