Just look at this person’s face.
Just look at it:
The sheer magnitude of the explosion has given the victim multiple sets of eyebrows.
I’m not 100% positive, but the person does appear to be a woman, judging by what seems to be earrings visible in the image:
…and thus, that “unibrow” immediately above the eyes may in fact be eyelashes, with a small printing error or ink blotch connecting the lashes above each eye. Also, I don’t know if the woman’s hair is simply being worn that way, or is in fact disheveled or “blown back” by the explosion’s force.
As to the text of the ad itself: the “can be used over and over again” statement leaves out the fact that if you do use it over and over again, your friends will eventually turn on you and kill you.
In conclusion…the exploding pen: harmless!
It looked like the exploding pen resulted in instant decapitation (even before your cropped version, Mike). Get a bang out of this one indeed.
When I look at it upside down, I see a three-quarters side view of a beautiful woman chewing onion gum.
“Hey, who gave that exploding pen to Phyllis Diller?”
(All those under age 40, click here: http://vinnieblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Phyllis-Diller-before-the-nose-job.jpg)
The disappointment level for these items sold via comic books must have been AT LEAST 130%.
These old ads always remind me of the page in the first Ambush Bug miniseries where they made fun of comic book ads. “SELL GRIST! LORD KNOWS WE CAN’T!” The x-ray glasses where the copy kept coming back to “See through clothes!”, and the one this entry reminds me of: “FAKE KRYPTONITE!Amaze your friends, amuse your family, take ten years off Superman’s life!”
I love old comic book ads.
Just another way comics have corrupted today’s youth…Wertham was right!