At long last, a blog post with an embedded advertisement that people won’t mind.
- A big congrats to Kevin Church and T.J. Kirsch for reaching the concluding chapter of She Died in Terrebonne. Now would be a good time to start at the beginning and read straight through!
- Johanna tries to get to the bottom of why Uncle Scrooge McDuck is called “Dagobert” in Germany. Along the way, we learn about a famous German translator of Disney comics…read the article at the first link before you click on that second link. (via pal Andy)
- Neilalien found some neat Diabolik artwork on display…Mr. Alien dug up some information about the pieces, which you can read about at that link.
- Pal Carla has been blogging up a storm lately, about the Thanos Imperative and about The Avengers, and it makes for entertaining readin’. Go check it out…tell Carla Mike sent you.
- Dave Wolkin brings us Eight Nights of Wolkin, examining the Jewish identity as represented in comics. It kicks off with this entry, which ends with the greatest Marvel Comics licensing idea of all time.
- Pal Dorian says this gag is aimed at a limited audience. I am in that audience.
“Hawkeye’s only real attribute is being a dick, but dammit if that doesn’t get the job done.”
Tim O’Neil lays down the law re: various superheroes.
- Mag at the Comic Treadmill appreciates some fine design work from David Aja on some recent Marvel comics
- Andrew spins his regular Nobody’s Favorites feature into something new…Nobody Else’s Favorites, discussing characters only he likes.
- Some people just write posts for their comics weblogs. Bully, the Little Stuffed Bull, presents full-blown epics. To wit: The Business Cards of Superheroes.
- And now, a brief commercial message starring, apparently, a cousin of Swamp Thing’s:
(thanks to Susan for the heads-up)
First thing I thought of was this blog after seeing that Pond Man commercial on TV.
I think Pond Man is a closer relative to Sigmund (and the Sea Monsters) then he is to Swamp Thing…
How can you not think of Mike Sterling with anything swamp-like?
Thank you for the link (I wrote the Scrooge post)! I thanked Waxy as well. Awesome. :)