Mike is taking the day off…
…after going to the County Fair last night, and boy, are my arms tired…or, er, something like that. Anyway, pretty wiped out, and Mike no think good, so I’m taking a pass today.
But I did want to mention that one of things at our fair is a building filled with displayed collections. Disneyana, model railroad stuff, toy cars, even a Twilight display, and here’s half of the Doctor Who display:

My “favorite,” he said with a couple of sarcasti-quotes, is probably the collection that consisted entirely of about ten Mad magazines dating from the 1970s, kinda stacked up, kinda spread haphazardly across one shelf in a glass case. Best part: got a third place ribbon.
And nobody thought to rope off the Doctor Who display?
Scandalous, says I.
I assume you will take time on your day off to watch this, if you haven’t already:
At about 2:18 is when the raspberries of awesomeness start…
Wow that signed Colin Baker print would be valued in the double digits – at least!
(I actually like Colin Baker’s Doctor BTW)