§ June 30th, 2010 § Filed under Uncategorized § 60 Comments

Sorry, gang, no real post today. Time got away from me.

However, I wanted to issue a correction…it appears I will be buying four comics this week, despite previous statements to the contrary, as I somehow missed that the new issue of The Muppet Show is coming out. Man, the Muppet comics…Boom! Studios has got a good thing going, here.

Plus, I can feel myself beginning to waffle on the whole “should I buy Flash or not” thing. So I’m going to settle it the old-fashioned way…let you, the people, decide!

IF MIKE SHOULD BUY THE NEW ISSUE OF THE FLASH, VOTE “YES” IN THE COMMENTS – IF NOT, VOTE “NO.” I shall abide by your decision by the time I leave work today (6 PM Pacific time).

Let your voice be heard!

60 Responses to “FLASH THE VOTE.”