1. Yes, it was a good series. 2. No, it wasn’t hard to understand.
Here’s another promotional badge (dated 1998) I never actually got around to wearing:
People still asked me about the series back then anyway. You can still ask me about it now, if you want, though keep in mind I haven’t read it in several years.
So The Bureau Chiefs, the crew behind Fake AP Stylebook, have finally started up an online store where you can buy shirts, mugs, buttons, and stickers featuring many popular Fake AP entries. (Including that one about “ATM Machines,” which I may have been responsible for.) Order often, order lots…I stand to make upwards of tens of cents off these things, so buy, buy, buy! More designs coming soon!
Cool store, I just ordered myself a “Your Mom” shirt. That’s gotta be a Chris Sims line.
Why specifically the 853rd century (which isn’t even close to a million)?
Order often, order lots…
Order proud!
I look forward to reading the book, Mike–it’s a great concept.
Because that’s when whatever DC comics still survived the Great Disaster would theoretically hit issue #1,000,000.
Most of these cosmic cross-over events are lost on me. That’s why I actually preferred Identity Crisis and Civil War. At least I knew what was going on.
(ducks as various comic shop leftovers are heaved at my head)
To elaborate on Andrew’s post, the logic is actually quite cool – the 853rd century is exactly one million months from the publication of Action Comics #1. Since the whole series is really a stealth tribute to how awesome Superman is, that’s a neat little trick.
I don’t see how it could be hard to understand; the main JLA team is in the 853rd century and the second stringers and the Justice Legion A are in the 21st. So–?
Because Grant Morrison was behind it, and people have developed a habit of thinking if he wrote it, it must be incomprehensible?
Mind you, I’m someone who still finds it difficult to believe people couldn’t understand the early issues of Final Crisis, so I might not be the best judge of things concerning Morrison.
I couldn’t tell you what happened in Final Crisis, except that Superboy’s punches are powerful enough to raise the dead.
ARRRGH! My eyes! They’re rolling so far back in my head I can see my own brain!
That’s Infinite Crisis’s fault, not Final.
But don’t you understand? The whole point of the INFINITE crisis is that it’s reverberations continue to be felt FOREVER.
On a somewhat side note, I also don’t like it when fans of Final Crisis assume I don’t get it just because I didn’t like it, which happens quite often; I got it fine, I just didn’t like it.
But JLA 1 Million is about as simple a time travel story as it gets.
Of all the secret-crisis-crossover things, this one is my favorite, hands down. I’m a sucker for future superheroes, what can I say? I also thought the DC’s Silver Age was fun, but it still comes in a distant second.