Some Fake AP Stylebook news.

§ April 28th, 2010 § Filed under Uncategorized § 1 Comment

So Ken Lowery and Mark Hale, creators of Fake AP Stylebook, will be appearing at ROFLCon II in Cambridge, MA this weekend, on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 5 PM. Other members of The Bureau Chiefs will be in attendance…sadly, not me, as Massachusetts won’t have me back after, you know, that one thing.

But I am making my presence felt there, anyway, as I, along with a few other Chiefs, “guest-edited” several columns for the Weekly Dig, a local indie paper. And by “guest-edited,” I mean “inspired the several pages of readers’ hate mail and editors’ apologies in the next issue.”

So, please, enjoy! And if you’re in the area, go say “hi” to Mark and Ken for me.

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