Sluggo Saturday #51.

§ April 24th, 2010 § Filed under sluggo saturday § 8 Comments



from The Best of Ernie Bushmiller’s Nancy (1988) – thanks to pal Andres

8 Responses to “Sluggo Saturday #51.”

  • Words fail me.
    So if this is #51, do we get an extra-special anniversary Sluggo next week?

  • Harvey Jerkwater says:

    She is disgusted and horrified, and she runs away, but in vain, for Nancy cannot help herself. She knows soon the visions will compel her to return to a cross-dressing Sluggo, against her will. For the heart wants what the heart wants.

  • Flossin says:

    What’s pal Andres’ role in Sluggo Saturdays, Mike? This question has been bugging me for ages. (not really, but I’m just curious)

  • Mikester says:

    Flossin – Andres let me borrow his copy of the book.

  • Derek B. Haas says:

    FOUR rocks?

  • Tom K Mason says:

    This is why newspapers are dying. Not enough crossdressing in the comics. You just don’t see Hi slipping into something comfortable when Lois is out selling a house or Dagwood making a sandwich that color coordinates with his pleated skirt.

  • philip says:

    I like that Sluggo actually has softer features than Nancy. I don’t like that I just made that observation.

  • steve says:

    one more rock than is neccesary…