The Easter Beagle brought me something special this year.

§ April 4th, 2010 § Filed under all star batman § 3 Comments

Comics Alliance has a report from this weekend’s Wondercon that the very much delayed All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder by Frank Miller and Jim Lee will be returning next year, rebranded Dark Knight: Boy Wonder. In “I’ll Believe It When I See It” news, DC Comics is promising on-time shipping for the remaining issues of the storyline. Regardless, it’s good to know that there’s at least something in the works, and that the comic hasn’t been totally forgotten.

Over at that Comics Alliance post, Rocco has this to say in the comments:

“I’m sure Mike Sterling is thrilled..”

You’re darn tootin’ I’m thrilled, Rocco! It’s an Easter miracle!

3 Responses to “The Easter Beagle brought me something special this year.”

  • Rocco says:

    This April Fools was significantly lacking in All Star Batman and Robin.

  • Dario Delfino says:

    Did ASB&R finish up it’s first arc? I’m curious if this new series is a second arc continuing from the first, or if it’s just the series continuing with a new name. I’m also curious how DC would publish it in trade… if it’s one big arc, it should be one big book (or two volumes). Even crazy old people such as yourself deserve to have your entertainment packaged properly.

  • Isaac says:

    I see that they’ve outfitted Robin with Incandescent Bat-Tights.