Sluggo Saturday #48.

§ April 3rd, 2010 § Filed under sluggo saturday § 5 Comments



from Nancy and Sluggo #181 (March/April 1961) – thanks to Paul

5 Responses to “Sluggo Saturday #48.”

  • Andres says:

    “All Aboard For Brightest Day!”

  • Rich Handley says:

    Are all of the Nancy strips available in collected format? I really enjoy reading Sluggo Saturdays, so it’s sparked my interest in reading the strip from start to finish.

  • philip says:

    Is Nelson Muntz from “The Simpsons” a direct descendant of Sluggo Smith? They seem to share a profound sadness and pitiable charm.

  • Tom K Mason says:

    I think Nancy is shocked not by the display of Sluggo’s vivid imagination, but by the fact that it looks like he put his pants on backwards.

  • Roger Green says:

    this is an outtake from the movie Young Frankenstein, after which Wilder says, “Pardon me, boy, is this the Transylvania station?”