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So Employee Aaron went to a convention over Thanksgiving weekend, and he got me these buttons.

§ December 2nd, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on So Employee Aaron went to a convention over Thanksgiving weekend, and he got me these buttons.

And if there’s anything the people want from this site, aside from nekkid pics of TV stars as per my Google referrals, it’s buttons buttons buttons!

Hey, a button of the original Battlestar Galactica, in all its washed-out, possibly bootleg glory.

This movie will be 20 years old next year. That’s something I probably didn’t want to know. I haven’t seen in in over a decade, and I primarily remember that they really ramped up the goofiness for this sequel. Also, there’s the genius of the speech Phoebe Cates’ character gives about a tragedy in her past, parodying the similar speech from the first flick.

I have two primary memories of this TV series. First, that the series’ star, Roy Scheider, reportedly wasn’t pleased about the existence of the comic book spin-off, and it only had one issue released. (No idea how true this story is…maybe one of you can confirm or deny.) Second, there was a stereotypical sci-fi nerd type in a Saturday Night Live sketch, and he was wearing a way-too-tight Seaquest shirt.

Never saw the actual show itself, aside from maybe five or ten minutes at one point.

Now, I keep seeing copies of the DVD of this in the $5 bin at my grocery store, and I’m tempted sometimes, until I remember just how dark and depressing this film was. I actually haven’t seen it since I sat in that theatre back in ’87, just shaking my head at it all, and I think I may just be better off sticking to the comic adaptation. At least that has Curt Swan art.

Boy, if it’s one thing a guy who manages a comic shop knows, it’s fitting into society.

"The Adventures of Jemmy Levitz."

§ December 1st, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on "The Adventures of Jemmy Levitz."

So as I’ve mentioned several times before on the site, I’m slowly working my way through Batman: The Animated Series DVD season sets thanks to the Netflix. In this episode from season three, “Trial,” the Joker is presiding over a, well, trial in Arkham Asylum with a captive Batman as the defendant. And instead of paying attention to the equally-captive D.A. as she attempts her defense, the Joker is enjoying some reading material:

That of course is based on the classic DC Comics humor series The Adventures of Jerry Lewis, complete with the ’60s go-go check design!

Okay, sure, the front cover is on the wrong side of the book, unless it’s an advertisement for the next issue or something. Or hell, maybe the Joker just tore the cover off and glued it to the back. He is the Joker, he doesn’t care about mint condition!

Here are a couple of closer looks at the cover, including a nice shot of the logo, a brief glimpse of a Jerry Lewis caricature, and a word balloon with the word “LADY” inside the comic:

And here’s another time Jerry Lewis appeared on a Batman TV show:

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