Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just testing something.
EDIT: I’ve had to do away with the old commenting system, as the company that owns it is forcing a replacement with a new system that, from all appearances, seems to be more trouble than it’s worth. Thus, for the time being, I’m using Blogger’s built-in comment system since 1) it’s the least trouble for me to install, and 2) they’re not charging me for the privilege, like the other guys are. So that’s what we’ve got here now, at least until I finally move to WordPress, someday. Plus, there are still some formatting issues I’m working on, but I’ll get to that when it’s not nearing midnight on a Friday.
Anyway, I backed up all of the site’s original comments, so while you can’t see them any more, I’ll be able to treasure them forever in the privacy of my home.
Er, that’s a bit creepy. Sorry about that.
Hey, all of the comments on all of your posts have disappeared!
Seems to be working so far.
Hi Rassmguy! I've had to do away with the old commenting system and replace it with Blogger's built-in system.
So ALL of the old comments are now gone? That's really a shame, Mike!
I think so, too. I still have time to think about "upgrading" to the new system offered by the old company, but I really don't like how it seems to work.
Well, it's a shame about the comments but at least now you can pretend you've been making this blog for years even though nobody ever comments. A man on the mission!
I've never commented on progressive ruin and I never will! This changes nothing!
…Oh wait.
So all your old posts are now comment free? OMG! I am so going open season on this site with firsties!
But… but … according to everyone, nothing EVER goes away on the internet.
oh Received Wisdom, have you tricked me yet again?
Aw, that's too bad. There was a lot of internet win in those comments. Might be time for an out-of-context book collection.
Haloscan is, for some weird reason, blocked by our company's web server, so while I read the posts, I never really get a chance to comment. So this, for me at least, is better.
Not that I expect to have anything to say. This comment, case in point.
And the comments were the best part of this blog.
— MrJM
Still testing. Don't mind me.