Blogging about blogging is a sin. (Plus, bonus Popeye content!)
Popeye speaks truth, from E.C. Segar’s Popeye Vol. 4, available from Fantagraphics at finer stores everywhere. Comics don’t get much better than this.
Anyway, in the “if it’s not one thing, it’s another” department: after the website outage last week, I started having intermittent connectivity problems with my ISP this weekend, and I ended up spending time trying to get that resolved instead of working up a post for today. Yes, I know, I’m a terrible blogger. So let me just get a site note or two posted for today, and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
- A friend of mine on the Twitter referred to me by the user name of “progressiveruin” instead of the name I’ve actually been using (which, oddly enough, is my actual name of “mikesterling”). However, once I saw it, I thought “well, better grab it while it’s available,” so yes, there is now a “progressiveruin” account on Twitter. Currently it’s just an autofeed for new posts on the site so you won’t miss brilliant content like today’s, plus the occasional announcement, but maybe I’ll think of something else to do with it soon. Hey, it’s free, what the hell.
- Speaking of the Twitter, let me remind you again that I’m still contributing to that Fake AP Stylebook thingie. It’s a magical world of wonder and beauty, so please visit.
- You know, for what was basically a simple post about a Batman cartoon, I’ve been getting a lot of discussion on the topic of Batman’s gun usage. Hey, who knew?
On a related note, did people really hate the Batman: Year Two series that much? I thought it was okay at the time, though I have to admit it’s probably been a decade or so since I’ve last read it. And, yeah, Greg brings up a good point about how messed up it is.
- For the love of all that is good and holy, buy stuff through my Amazon links. Especially expensive stuff. Hey, I’m sure your Grandma needs three or four iPods, so get buyin’.
- Er, yeah, comics:
Punishermax #2 – Great comic, but still hate the name. Steve Dillon is probably my favorite Punisher artist, and Jason Aaron is almost out-Ennis-ing Garth Ennis on this.
Citizen Rex #6 – I love these short-run comics Gilbert Hernandez has been doing (this last one with brother Mario). Can’t wait for the next one!
R.E.B.E.L.S. #11 – Have now heard several people who picked up the previous issue for the Blackest Night tie-in describe how surprised they were at how much they liked the comic. Good, because it is a fine comic, despite my own less-than-enthused response to the ongoing Starro storyline. But hopefully some folks will stick around for more issues past the tie-in (though I haven’t seen any recent back issue movement, which may not bode well for new readers, especially on a comic that just started).
- And…er, well, that’s it, really. How are you doing?