I’ve mentioned before that Archie’s TMNT comics were a bit peculiar…

§ October 20th, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on I’ve mentioned before that Archie’s TMNT comics were a bit peculiar…

…and AWESOME, because here’s a monster from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Special (Winter 1992) comprised of parts from the Wolfman, Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the Mummy (or at least the Mummy’s wrappings):

Employee Aaron can’t resist poking through issues of this series whenever he has to get its box out for a customer, and he always has to show me the weird stuff he finds there. I’m grateful, of course, since 1) it reminds me that the Archie TMNT comics have got a lot more goin’ on than I ever gave them credit for (like I mentioned last time) and 2) it gives me content for the site (Ibid).

To wit: another panel Aaron showed me, with Monsterex reenacting a scene familiar to funnybook fans:

Man, these comics. I really have to find the time to sit down and read these.

In other news:

  • Yea, verily did Chris Sims and Eugene Ahn give unto the people another installment of the War Rocket Ajax podcast, and it lay upon the earth, and from it was begat an interview with comics writer Tom Peyer, and lo, it was good. Amen.
  • Speaking of Eugene, his other, non-Sims-afflicted, podcast People You Don’t Know this time features an interview with someone I do know: retrologist Andrew Weiss, one of the most thoughtful and most readable pop culture commentators in our particular niche of the blogosphere. Go listen to his interview and drink in that Bostonian accent. Fantastic.
  • So my old friend Dan went to the Alternative Press Expo, and is writing it up for his website, and he’s got five parts so far: 0 1 2 3 4. Profusely illustrated! (And check out who gave Dan the bird!) (It’s okay, Dan’s used to it!)
  • Comics Should Be Good is running a poll on which Swamp Thing artist/art team is your favorite. I voted…have you?
  • My apologies to Kevin Church for inadvertently stealing his sauce with my post from yesterday. By way of apology, I shall dedicate my two new webcomics, The Scarediest Cosmonauts and He Died Wearing Herringbone, to him.

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