Frankly, it’s more disturbing to me to see Archie comics referencing post-1950s technology.
So this was the cover that a parent objected to at the shop last week:

Didn’t want her daughter to “get ideas,” you see. Don’t blame her…the daughter might see that cover and then want to get one of those ginormous cell phone/entertainment centers like Archie is holding, and who needs those bills?
Well, to be fair, in the mother’s defense, that is quite the look Betty is giving Archie.
Still not quite as racy as past Archie comics, like this Betty cover I featured quite a while back, or these shenanigans involving Betty and Veronica, or this parade of sin, or…okay, I’m not even sure what the heck is going on here. And then there’s…well, you know which cover this is linking to.
…Actually, I think I’ve talked myself into agreeing with the mother. Man, what’s going on over at that publisher?