A little more Love and Rockets appreciation.
Here’s some equal time for Gilbert, after featuring Jaime’s cover yesterday: here is one of my favorite things Gilbert has ever done, from Love and Rockets #49 Nov. 1995):

These three panels always make me laugh…especially that second one. Whenever I think of the Hernandez Bros. working on a new issue of Love and Rockets, I’m sure it is exactly like this, and I won’t hear any different.
In other news:
- This link’s been making the rounds, but I have to post it here for obvious reasons: “It’s a good time to be a Nancy-boy” begins this brief article on the mini-renaissance of Bushmiller and Nancy ‘n’ Sluggo appreciation.
- Hey, have some webcomics: The Last Defences of Mankind, a moody bit of business adapted by Nitin Veturkar from the original story by close personal Twitter pal Aditya Bikikar. A strong beginning, and looking forward to more collaborations between these two.
- Andrew discusses the story beneath one of the greatest horror comic covers of all time.
- Bully the Little Stuffed Bull has some new drawings, and he wants to show them to you.
- Pal Dorian is discussing the limits of the horror genre, and wants you to join the fray.
- Say, what’s this? A third exciting installment of The Variants, the world’s favorite web video series about a comic shop? Why, yes, it is! Go, watch, enjoy.