Sometimes I don’t have anything more than "look at this neat thing I found in the back room."

§ September 23rd, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Sometimes I don’t have anything more than "look at this neat thing I found in the back room."

This is a retailer “shelf talker” for The Avengers from 1995:

This was supposed to just dangle off the edge of the comic shelf…here’s a pic of the whole thing:

Never much cared for shelf talkers myself…at the time this one came out, we didn’t really have the kind of comic racks that would accommodate them easily. Now that we do have racks that they’d work on, I still don’t use them…I don’t want them sticking out from the shelves, and I suspect they’d probably get very easily damaged anyway.

Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to mention about this shelf talker in particular. Mostly, I was just amazed at how…dated, I guess, the imagery is on this item. It pretty much just screams “1990s” at you, in very much a “we actually were buying comics that looked like this” kind of way. …Well, I shouldn’t be too harsh, since this is somebody’s childhood funnybook nostalgia, and I don’t mean to come down on anyone’s fond memories of this particular era. But still…wow. That’s certainly something. It’s certainly the most buff Quicksilver has ever been. Er, that is Quicksilver, right?

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