Found on the eBay.

§ September 21st, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on Found on the eBay.

A New York fire company patch, featuring a familiar fellow:

Another auction had this larger scan, which shows more clearly the actual detail on the patch’s material:

Swamp Thing looks kinda like a Rankin Bass character. Swamp Thing Is Comin’ to Town, The Year Without Swamp Thing, Mad Monster Party…oh, wait, that last one kinda works.

Anyway, I wonder who the Swamp Thing fan was in this particular company. And, more importantly, how he managed to convince everyone else to go for it. “Swamp Thing is awesome, he’ll look great on the patch!” “Uh, wasn’t Swamp Thing that one Adrienne Barbeau mov….” “SWAMP THING. IS. AWESOME.” “Okay, okay, fine, we can have a Swamp Thing patch.”

…Well, that’s pretty much how I would have argued for it, anyway.

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