And now…Conan the Barbarian puffy stickers from 1984.
Let us open the Tome of Conan Stickers,
and see what we find:
The exciting puffy Conan logo.
“Oh, wow, man, there’s my logo up there above me, and there’s another beneath my feet, too. Far out.”
Conan takes his lion-creature-thing for a brisk run around Cimmeria State Park.
“Conan finds your Lex Luthor cosplay to be inadequate! EAT MACE.”
Oh, if only there were some kind of “facial injury” sticker I could add to my collec…
…Ah, there we go.
I have a package of unopened Conan Puffy Stickers from 1984. Do these have an established collector value? Thanks in advance,
Greg Reynhout