Yes, that’s a Brady Bunch reference.
Coming this week to finer comic shops, and even to ours, too:

It’s John Stanley, it’s Nancy, it’s awesome. Hopefully the reproduction looks a little better than the much-too-dark faux-yellowing of the pages evident in the Free Comic Book Day sampler advertising this release, but even still, it’s a must-have. Well, at least for me, I don’t know about you.
Some other things due out today:
- Batgirl #2 – Boy, looking at internet reaction you’d think Batgirl #1 kicked over everyone’s trashcans and set fire to their pets. But it sure sold well here, through our initial order and a reorder or two. Let’s see if folks come back for the second ish.
- Batman and Robin #4 – Grant Morrison’s still writing, Philip Tan is filling in for Frank Quitely on art chores. Should still be a great read.
- Blackest Night #3 – September’s been a bit moribund for us, but, ironically enough, this comic book about dead people should perk things up a bit. The customers are really into this series and the tie-ins.
- Brave and the Bold #27 – This is the first issue written by J. Michael Straczynski, and hopefully it’ll grab more folks than did his Red Circle relaunch. Well, it does have Batman in it, so already has bit of an advantage. But B&B sales never really recovered from losing the Waid/Perez team, so we’ll see if this reverses the trend. Plus, this issue has “Dial H for Hero” in it, and I’m a sucker for that.
- Captain America Reborn #3 – The second issue was a strong seller, and #1 is moving pretty well out of the back issue bins. Still pretty much just to the regulars, though…just because there’s “mainstream coverage,” that doesn’t mean the mainstream’s gonna be diverted through our doors. But hell, our customers are buying it, so I can’t complain.
- Citizen Rex #3 – New issue of Mario and Gilbert Hernandez’s fun sci-fi mystery mini-series is due out today. I’m always afraid this is going to get overlooked among all the event comics hoohar and the fact that this is coming from a publisher folks don’t normally associate with the Bros. (though Dark Horse has published Gilbert’s stuff before).
- Galactica 1980 #1 – I’m still having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that there’s a comic book version of this. I mean, sure, why not. Doctor Zee deserves his comic book face time, too (so long as he doesn’t jinx anything).
- Johnny Boo: Happy Apples HC – Another James Kochalka kids book…Kochalka’s work always sells, so I’m happy to have it.
- Marvel Zombies Return #3 – Yeah, this is over now. Sales aren’t even a patch on the first two series. However, I think once it’s in trade form and racked with the other volumes, it’ll probably do well. Unless people are completely sick of the zombie thing by then. Next trend? I predict “mariachis.” “Say, do you have the Mariachi Variant for Dark Alpha Flight #3?” “Why, sure I do! Look, they’re playing a quinceañera!”
- Vengeance of Moon Knight #1 – Giving it another go, I see. Marvel even put out one of those freebie “story thus far” booklets for Moon Knight that retailers could give away. I wonder if that’ll help any.
- Vincent Price Presents #12 – This series has yet to top the line “the android is the opposite of the vampire” from the first issue, but we still have a great fondness for this comic as we all take turns reading from it in our best (i.e. terrible) Vincent Price voices.
- Watchmen Movie Silk Spectre Deluxe Wig – Yeah, so? What’s it to you?
- Yotsuba Vol. 6 – Like Achewood last week, here’s another book the west coast is getting after everyone else. Well, folks have waited this long for it…what’s another week?
Also released this week is a shocking 11-page preview for issue #3 of America’s Gorilla-est Comic, El Gorgo! If you read only one comic about a luchador gorilla scientist, make sure it’s this one!