Yes, yes, Wednesday Comics will be out on Thursday this week.
- Achewood: Worst Song, Played on Ugliest Guitar HC – Yeah, I know everyone else got their copies last week, but for some reason the occasional Dark Horse trade or hardcover takes an extra week to get to folks on the left coast. But that’s okay, because a new Achewood collection is worth waiting for. If one were to make a list of the Top Ten reasons the internet was created…well, okay, “Porn” would be #1, “Funny pictures of cats with grammatically incorrect captions” would be on there somewhere, as would “Every bit of media ever generated, ever, just free for the taking!” — but also on the list would be “Delivery system for Achewood.” God bless that strip.
- Cursed Pirate Girl #1 – Okay, that’s actually a reorder for myself, since somehow I managed to miss it the first time around, but Employee Aaron came back from the San Diego Comic Con with a copy of #2, and it’s easily one of the most lavishly illustrated comics I’ve ever seen. I grabbed my own copy of #2 when it finally passed through Diamond’s pipes and ended up in our shop, and I’m waiting for #1 to be in my hands before I sit down and start reading the thing. But flipping through it…it’s absolutely beautiful. Here’s the official site for the fella what cartoons it.
- Doom Patrol #2 – Actually preferred the fun Metal Men back-up to the lead story, though that’s not to say I didn’t like the lead. Just that the Metal Men story seemed…less weighted down with backstory, I guess. It’s hard to read Doom Patrol stories without thinking of all the retooling and revamping and the misguided “restart from scratch” strategy of the last reboot, which isn’t the fault of the current DP creative team, I realize. But, I do like the Doom Patrol, so I’m sticking with it.
- Grimwood’s Daughter HC – Ooh, I remember this when it ran as a back-up in Dalgoda all those years ago. Haven’t read it in a decade or two, but I remember liking it, and hey, Kevin Nowlan drew it, so you know it looks great. Interestingly, according to Nowlan, some of the original art couldn’t be tracked down for this new hardcover edition, so he redrew some pages. Huh.
- House of Mystery #17 – I keep getting this comic, but darn if I can remember from month to month who is what character, and who is doing what to whom and where. But I like the idea of threading short stories into the narrative, and those have been more fun and memorable than the main plot.
- Incredible Hercules #134 – Forgot this has temporarily gone biweekly. I mean, I like the book an’ all, and it is one of Marvel’s best titles…but I don’t know that sales really warrant it, and honestly, the last thing Marvel needs to be doing is cranking out more books-per-month to cannibalize sales from their own output.
- Little Lulu Vol. 20 – Bawlplayers & Other Stories – I do appreciate that these reprint volumes are in color, now, but I’m wondering if Dark Horse is going to go back and reissue the older ones in color as well. It’s hardly necessary…the books were just find in black and white, aside from the occasional storytelling glitch where color was important to the plot (requiring a special one shot color volume to represent those particular stories). Plus, I don’t know that, in this economic climate, folks who were buying these volumes from the beginning would be terribly anxious to “double-dip” and rebuy colorized versions of books they already own.
All that aside…every Little Lulu book is worth buying. A true classic of the medium.
- Love and Rockets Vol. 2 – Doesn’t seem like it’s been a year since the last issue, but I guess it has. It’s 100 pages of the Hernandez Bros., of course it’s worth buying.
- Marvel Zombies Return #2 – It’s beginning (yeah, I know…”beginning”) to look like Marvel’s super-zombies are nearing the end of their sales life. Or should I say “unlife?” (click) Bringing back the characters from the initial two, wildly-popular, series hasn’t helped.
- Models Inc. #1 – I’d mentioned this title before, as Project Runway‘s Tim Gunn is appearing in it and was making the talk show rounds talking it up shortly before we had to finalize our orders on this issue. Still have yet to have anyone call or come in to ask about it (other than the one sarcastic guy).
- Shield #1 – Sadly, it looks like the Red Circle heroes are turning into non-starters. The books aren’t bad, but people just don’t want to invest time and money into a bunch of new titles starring these characters. This is the first ongoing series out of the Red Circle revamp, so we’ll see if this’ll grab folks the way a series of weekly one-shots didn’t.
- Watchmen Movie Silk Spectre costume – Yes, we had a special order for this at our shop. I’m sure Employee Aaron will enjoy wearing it around the store very much.