I have a question for you at the end.

§ June 23rd, 2009 § Filed under Uncategorized Comments Off on I have a question for you at the end.

I’ll probably get around to responding directly to some of your comments to yesterday’s post in the next day or so. But just to clarify…I’ve got no particular preference for word balloons being or not being on comic covers. If it works, put it in. If not, leave ’em out. But as was noted…an endless series of balloonless and blurbless covers featuring the star of the book posing in generic settings (i.e. Spider-Man swinging through the city) is no way to attract attention.

My favorite attention-grabbing comic covers, though, have got to be on Sgt. Rock (and Our Army at War). I’ve processed a number of collections of them over the years, and I have to (usually unsuccessfully) fight the urge to poke through each issue to see just what the hell was going on inside after seeing the wonderful, compelling covers they almost always had.

Here are a couple of samples, “borrowed” from the Grand Comic Book Database:

You can see a whole bunch more here. Man, I love these covers. They sure knew how to grab you.

So I have a question for you, the kind and gentle readers. What was the last really compelling, really “I have got to see what’s going on inside this book” cover that you’ve come across? I don’t mean just an attractive cover that got your attention because it was aesthetically pleasing (like my deal with Uptight #3 I discussed recently). I mean, you saw the cover, saw the situation it set up, and you felt like you had to pick it up and see just how this situation resolved.

Please let me know in the comments. No purchase necessary, no salesman will call.

Oh, and here, as promised in the post’s title, is the Question at the end:

No need to thank me.

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