In which I plug a lot of stuff.
So at last…at long last the print edition of my favorite comic strip about a comic shop, The Rack, has been unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. Written by Killer Kevin Church and illustrated by Bashful Benjamin Birdie, the strip follows the lives of a crew of comic shop employees, both at the store and outside it, making it more than just industry in-jokes and catering to the fanguish of the moment. You get actual characterization, genuine wit, and the occasional fistfight. Something for everyone!
There’s also an introduction by the industry’s snappiest dresser, retailer James Sime, an interview with the creators conducted by a gen-you-ine college professor, and plenty of pin-ups by guest artists!
And in the interest of full disclosure, I have contributed to this strip as well, in that I’ve guest-written two strips, and have provided some minor inspiration for others. I’m very proud to have been, even in this very small way, part of this strip, and very happy for Kevin and Birdie for its success on the web and the arrival of this handsome-looking print edition.
If you want to get your own copy, and surely you must, all the details you need can be found right here. Tell ’em Mike sent you! (Not sure what that’ll do for you, but tell them that anyway!)
In other news:
- So remember when I said that Greg Burgas of Comics Should Be Good dropped by the shop? Well, he did a very nice write-up of the store, including a terribly frightening picture of me…I’ve since shaved and had a haircut, so I’m no longer as scary…or, at least, I’m scary in a different way, anyway. But go check out the write-up, and dig who left the first comment to say something nice about our shop!
- Pal Dorian just did one of his patented movie trailer review posts, which I always love. Heed his advice, or ignore it at your peril!
- Here’s a webcomic I found out about because they’ve been advertising on my site recently: Multiplex, which is sort of like The Rack but only with movie theatre employees. I’ve not read a whole lot of them yet, but I do like the art, and it seems to be well-written. When I have more time I’ll do a little diving into the archives, but so far they’ve got my attention.
- So long as I’m enjoying Plug-Fest 2009 here, I’ve finally put up a few things in my personal eBay listings…a bunch of card sets, and a suddenly-redundant Blackadder DVD (due to my recently obtaining the complete DVD boxed set). Bid early, bid often, and I should have more card sets up next week.
- And here’s a link for swell cartoonist Cathy Leamy, just because she’s awesome and deserves some positive attention.